lisa boesen
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$1500 - $2500/exp

 Colorado Based

Lisa Boesen

Speaker, Author, Trainer, Coach


Lisa's passion in life is all about sharing her dominant gifts, - energy, insight, and organization. Or, as colleagues describe, she can "color-code chaos." As the creator of Creating Compassionate Connections™, Lisa is a student of compassion and enjoys working with individuals and organizations to experience the power of compassion to improve personal and organizational effectiveness.

By blending her unique sense of humor with a creative and dynamic on-stage presence, Lisa's high-energy speeches and workshops foster audience participation from even the toughest groups. Her entertaining yet thoughtfully motivational speeches and workshops focus on the power of compassion in organizational business processes, decisions, interactions and service delivery.

With more than 30 years of clinical, management and Human Resources expertise, Lisa's background includes multiple facets of talent management, including talent development, recruitment, retention, and succession planning, as well as performance improvement, patient satisfaction, The Joint Commission, and direct patient care offering the softer insights to the patient experience. Lisa believes "What cannot be measured, cannot be improved", including personal enrichment, professional development, talent management and patient care. She advocates integrating care and compassion within quality and process improvement, organizational business processes, managing talent and patient care.

Lisa also shares her insight and personal experience of caring for two parents with end-stage diseases at the same time. Through sharing her story, Lisa hopes to bring encouragement to caregivers, guidance for a peaceful end, comfort during grief, and strength for a new beginning. In her book, Managing the Bridge the Beginning, Lisa weaves a heartfelt story and offers more than 90 practical tips and words of encouragement to support the caregiver in experiencing life's natural journey of the dying process, grieving and rejoining life as what she joyfully calls "a leave-behind."

Lisa enjoys membership and has held leadership positions in healthcare and human resources professional organizations. She holds a Masters in Organizational Management, is a Certified Human Resources Professional, a certified facilitator, a certified MBTI® practitioner and a Certified Compassion Fatigue Specialist. She has been featured in Advance Magazine, Medical Office Today, Mainstreet, The Ladders, and ICU Medicine.

Care, Communicate, Connect!


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Topics: Customer Service, Communication, Healthcare, Cancer,Teamwork/Teambuilding, Personal Development

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