joel weldon
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$8,000 - 15,000/exp

Arizona Based

Joel Weldon

Sales, Leadership And Customer Service

No other professional speaker has built their reputation on CUSTOMIZING the way Joel Weldon has. Joel knows it's "all about the audience."  He spends 50 hours to become an expert on that audience (and it's all included in his fee).  That's why he's been dubbed by his clients "America's Most Prepared Speaker," and that's how, after 35 years and more than 2800 paid presentations, Joel has consistently earned a score of over 9.65 on a 1-to-10 scale.

What does it mean to "CUSTOMIZE"?  When you hire Joel Weldon you'll be amazed at how CUSTOMIZED a presentation can be! How tuned in he is to his audience, knowing the buzz words, the nuances of their culture, the specific benefits of their products and services. And you'll hear how he relates all the ideas he's presenting to their world, bringing them ways to improve what they do and how they do it. That's when you'll discover that there's ordinary customizing ... and then there's the Joel Weldon brand of CUSTOMIZING!!

As one of the most highly respected and sought-after seminar leaders in North America, Joel has been an Idea Consultant to many of the world's leading businesses for over three decades. Companies that hired him 35 years ago continue to hire him today, because his tuned-in approach gets them the results they want, whether the topic is leadership, sales, creativity and change, or presentation skills. Enthusiasm and energy will fill your meeting room as Joel skillfully weaves abundant humor together with  hard-hitting, actionable ideas that will be right on target for your group.

Prior to the event Joel will...

  • Interview all the key players by phone
  • Visit their locations (if in Arizona) and go out on sales calls with their people
  • Read all their materials - annual report, history, newsletters and news releases.
  • Connect his stories, examples and humor directly to the audience's situation.
  • Work into his presentation up to 50 names of people in the group.
  • Develop totally customized PowerPoint visuals and handouts.
  • Have the client approve all of his customized content in advance. No surprises during the presentation!

Joel Weldon talks about things no one else talks about, in a way no one else talks about them!  How the coyote can teach you  to be more adaptable to change, how you can harness the power of teamwork the way the coyote does, and how, like the coyote, you can be unstoppable! Or how a cab driver in Memphis can show you in 22 minutes how to be so amazing in your customer's eyes, you will never be forgotten even 30 years later! Or how elephants don't bite, because it's the little things that get you! And it's the little things that get you HUGE results!

His unique corporate logo is a heavy, 8-ounce CAN that says: "Success Comes in CANS, Not in Cannots." That Can of Success sits on the desks of over half a million people worldwide, and it sums up Joel's philosophy: your life is your choice; forget the excuses; take responsibility; and take ACTION!


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Topics: Sales, Leadership, Creativity, Presentation Skills, Customer Service, Change
